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See how to customize parquet flooring from Jonhos Floors

parquet flooring

How to combine design and artistic parquet?

Artistic parquet and design are a way of introducing the beauty of nature into your home. It is a unique and interesting way to make your home both beautiful and unique. Artistic parquet and design is a form of art and design that utilizes different types of wood to create intricate patterns. The pieces of wood are laid in a pattern and then stained or painted to create a unique look. These designs can be used to create a one-of-a-kind

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parquet flooring

How to Create a Unique and Stylish Flooring Design with Parquet and Raw Materials

Creating Unique and Beautiful Spaces with Art Parquet and Raw Materials As any interior designer will tell you, adding unique and beautiful elements to a space can make it truly stand out. But what if you could combine two of the most powerful design elements – art parquet and raw materials – to create something truly unique and memorable? That is exactly what is possible when you combine art parquet with raw materials. An art parquet is a type of

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parquet flooring

From Brick Design to Parquet Design

Design Creation from Brick to Parquet Flooring 1. The customer want the below Brick Design changed to Parquet flooring by similar effect. 2. Confirm the wood veneer used for parquet flooring with cusotmer as below: 3. Parquet design as brick similar effect as below:

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parquet flooring

How to Customize Shape Parquet?

Customize Shape Parquet as Customer Drawing 1. Confirm the parquet flooirng drawing and raw materials. 2. The customer send color picture for reference. 3. The factory make sample for customer confirmation. 4. The customer place order after sample confirmed. 5. The factory start produce the parquet flooring. 6. The factory inspect and ship the goods. 7. The customer receive the goods.

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